Configuring SSL
It's highly recommend to install a new SSL certificate that is under your control and not use the certificate that came with the software.
Create Keystore
Create keystore with self-signed certificate
Quick and easy setup is to create a keystore with self-signed certificate. Although this not ideal as the certificate was not issued through a certificate authority and the browser will result in the browser issuing a warning due to the self-signed certificate
Import certificate into keystore
Otherwise, if you have an existing certificate / key pair or one issued from a certificate authority you can create and import into a keystore as follows.
Depending on the existing key format you may need to export as a PKCS12
Create a new keystore and import the certificate and key
Configure Keystore with Jetty
Copy new keystore to jetty's etc directory
Set obfuscated keystore password
To obtain the obfuscated password for the keystore (OBF), you will neeed to run the following utility
From the output, take the OBF value and set it to the default value in jetty/etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml Change the follow OBF values:
Last, edit thr OBF values in the jetty/modules/ssl.mod for
Restart Jetty and verify the new SSL Certificate is active.